Letting go


Letting go / Lâcher prise, 2024
Acrylic on canvas, 190x130cm

This work is the culmination of work on letting go. I started painting on this theme over a year and a half ago. It was a very long job because I really wanted her to not be thoughtful and not in control. I wanted it to be based simply on intuition and letting go. That’s why I painted it mainly during moments of pause, moments when I hadn’t planned to paint but where I needed to let go in a certain way, of my expectations, my doubts. , my goals to achieve…

It’s like a journey of introspection, a spiritual journey.

We then find the mixture of both lively but organized energy, a fast and slow movement at the same time. Which I see as a symbiosis between water and fire (by its dominant colors)

That’s my feeling, but everyone can connect to it to create their own inner journey, that’s what I love about art! This sharing and this feeling in each of us which makes a work come alive!

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